Dry fly and nymph hook Lords Of Rivers LOR-206BLB.
Sold in boxes of 25/50 or 100 hooks.
Lords Of Rivers LOR-206BLB
Super versatile fly hook with fascinating curved shank.
Caddis pupa & Larva, Floating Nymph, Emerger, Soft hackle, Parachute, Keel Nymph, 2X Short, 1X-3X Variable fine, Curved shank, Barbless, Black.
The eye is slightly up-turuned on this model. The shank, on the otherhand, curves gradually down towards the rear, which makes the hook ideally well-balanced. It rides in the water in the way as a straighteyed hook does. This is an excellent choice for caddis pupa imitations, floating nymphs, emergers, soft hackle flies, parachute dries, CDC dries, shrimp flies and many other patterns.
The Lords Of Rivers hooks have been selected, tested and approved with the utmost rigour.
They are Barbless to meet our deep convictions that in you has the conservation of fish.
What we sell to you, we use!
Manufactured with the utmost care, they have nothing to envy to the major brands, sharpening chemical resistance, everything is there and those at a price defying any competition.